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Labour Market Impact Assessments provide employers with the opportunity to fill a labour shortage in their company. There are various types of LMIA’s and which one is best suited for your company is a determination that should be made prior to applying. The Temporary Foreign Worker program is an excellent way to increase productivity in a company that faces a shortage of labour.
LMIA’s are subject to high levels of review by the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), which is also known as Service Canada. As such, the LMIA must be free of errors. ¹Ü¼ÒÆÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳ is an expert with LMIA’s and welcomes any questions you have.
An LMIA is an authorization from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), to employers, to hire foreign workers.
Unfortunately, this program is closed and is no longer available.
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